Calochortus monophyllus--The Yellow Cat's Ear

C.mono100pp500x556 C.mono100ppi500x582

The striated foliage of the Yellow Cat's Ear is beautiful in its own right, right down to the gorgeous magenta-red of the stalk.

Our Calochortus monophyllus hail from the Sierra foothills of Butte County where they enjoy the partial shade afforded by local trees. Monophyllus is a rather small plant--its attractive grey-to-blue-green leaves are usually no longer than ten inches, and are somewhat reminiscient of the leaves of a bearded iris. The smallish (1-1.5 inch) flowers range from a pure deep yellow, to a yellow with brown markings toward the center, and are quite hairy--just like the inside of a cat's ear.

C.mono100ppi400x624 C.monophyllus100ppi.400x437

monophyl100ppi400x334 C.monophyllus100ppi500x346


Yellow Cat's Ears in cultivation March 2013.