
Calochortus Seed 2013

Calochortus Seed Available for Purchase

2013 Season

2013 gave us a very productive Calochortus season--we have seeds for almost every variety we cultivate.

Cat's Ears

Calochortus monophyllus (Yellow Cat's Ear)

Small (0.5-0.75 in.), densely hairy, golden yellow flowers, with markings that range from red to brown. Beautiful foliage. A Butte County native. Part shade.

Price:     $5.00    c.monophyllus catpicseed01   C.monophyllus catpicseed02

Mariposa Lilies

Calochortus leichtlini (Alpine Mariposa Lily)

Our plants originated in the Sierras near Butte County. Short-statured, delicate, porcelain white flower, with ash-colored streaking on petal exterior. Elegant. 1.5 to 2 inch flower. These seeds require a period of stratification before sowing. Can take full sun.

Price:     $10.00  Calochortus leichtlinii catpicseed02   Calochortus leichtlinii catpicseed01

Calochortus luteus (Yellow Mariposa Lily)

A small-statured plant with sunny one inch yellow flowers stippled with brown. San Mateo County variety. Full sun.

Price:     $5.00   Cluteus300x300   Calochortus luteus catpicseed01

Calochortus superbus (Superb Mariposa Lily)

A yellow variety of this plant, originating in Butte County. Large flowers with brown petal blotch. Similar to C. luteus, but much larger. Loves full sun. 1.5 to 2 inch flowers.

Price:     $5.00   Superbus02   C superbus group catpicseed01

Calochortus venustus (Butterfly Mariposa Lily)

Contra Costa parents. A highly variable and beautiful flower--mostly white, (sometimes light yellow), lightly tinged with pink on the petal edges, and petal exterior. Petal blotches, from brick red to yellow and brown in a multitude of varying patterns. 1.5 to 2.5 inch flowers. Partial shade.

Price:     $5.00   CvenCC300x300   CVenCoCoYel catpicseed01


Calochortus venustus (Alameda County Variety)

These beauties are predominantly white to fully white. The distinctive venustus petal blotch varies from absent to a match-flame of orange and yellow. Full to part sun. 1.5 to 2.5 inch flowers. Partial shade.

Price:     $5.00   C.ven ala catpicseed02   Calochortus venustus AC white catpicseed01


 Globe Lilies

Calochortus albus (White Globe Lily--Alameda County Variety)

This coastal variety of White Globe Lily, has rose-tinged petals, with copper highlights. 1 inch flowers. Likes full to part shade.

Price:     $5.00   Calochortus albus catpicseed01

Calochortus albus (Sierra Variety)

More white than its coastal cousin, this beautiful flower arose from Butte County parents. Likes full to part shade.

Price:     $7.00   Calochortus albus sierra catpicseed01

Calochortus amabilis (Diogenes' Lantern)

This golden globe lily hales from Napa County. It doesn't like to be crowded in a pot--so give it room. Enjoys some sun, but not too much! 1 inch flowers.

Price:     $5.00   C.amabilis catpicseed01

Calochortus amoenus (Purple Globe Lily)

A native of the southern Sierra foothills, this globe lily is a fast-grower. The lovely mauve, pink and purple flowers are about .75 to one inch. They like part shade.

Price:     $5.00   C amoenus catpicseed01

Calochortus pulchellus (Diablo Globe Lily)

Originates exclusively in the Mount Diablo region of Contra Costa County. A slightly greenish yellow globe lily with 1 to 1.5 inch pendant blossoms. Full to part shade. Rare.

Price:     $8.00   C.pulchellus catpicseed01

 Terms of Sale

  • Each seed order contains 1/4 teaspoon of seed--approximately 30 individual seeds.
  • Minimum $ 20.00 order.
  • Payment must be in form of a personal check denominated in U. S. currency, drawn on a U. S. bank, or a U. S. Postal Money Order.
  • Payment must be received before order can ship.
  • Minimum shipping and handling: $5.00. All orders shipped by USPS.
  • California residents must add 7.50 % Sales Tax.

Sorry, No Credit Card Orders at this time.

We now accept payment in US dollars via PayPal.

All seeds originate on plants in cultivation at 7th Street Farms.


How To Order

Contact us via email at:     This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.     Put "Seed Order" in subject line.

Tell us what you would like to order and we will reply with an order and price confirmation.

We'll ship your order when we get your payment.